The Oracle of Omaha – Investing since Childhood
About Buffett’s Personal Life
Warren Edward Buffett was born on August 30, 1930. The only boy, he was the second of three children, and displayed an amazing aptitude for both money and business at a very early age. His father was a stock broker turned Congressman.
In 1947, a seventeen year old Warren Buffett graduated from High School. It was never his intention to go to college; he had already made $5,000 delivering newspapers (this is equal to $42,610.81 in 2000). His father had other plans, and urged his son to attend the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania. Buffett stayed two years, complaining that he knew more than his professors. When Howard was defeated in the 1948 Congressional race, Warren returned home to Omaha and transferred to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Working full-time, he managed to graduate in only three years.
Buffett married Susan Thompson in 1952. They had three children, Susie, Howard, and Peter. The couple began living separately in 1977, though they remained married until her death in July 2004. His daughter Susie lives in Omaha and does charitable work through the Susan A. Buffett Foundation and as a national board member of Girls, Inc. On his 76th birthday Buffett married his longtime companion, Astrid Menks, who had lived with him since his wife's departure
An Investor by birth
Warren showed an Investing aptitude since his early childhood. He was a born Investor though he refined his Investing sense under stalwarts like Benjamin Graham.
As a boy, irrespective of his family background, he delivered newspapers to make extra money and this probably sparked his interest in the media where he has made several successful investments including the Washington Post Company, a stock that has made him a lot of money and which he vows never to sell.
At the age of 13, Buffett filed his first income tax return, deducting his bicycle as a work expense. At the age of 15, Buffett and a friend spent $25 to purchase a used pinball machine, which they placed in a barber shop. Within months, they owned three machines in different locations.
Association with Benjamin
Buffett enrolled at Columbia Business School after learning that Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, two well-known securities analysts, taught there. Buffett graduated and wanted to work on Wall Street.
Buffett offered to work for Graham for free but Graham refused. He purchased a Texaco gas station as a side investment, but that venture did not work out as well as he had hoped. Meanwhile, he worked as a stockbroker. He finally got the job with Benjamin Graham’s firm and, as he generously acknowledges, learned a lot about stock investment from The Master.
Graham retired and folded up his partnership. Since leaving college six years earlier, Buffett's personal savings grew from $9,800 to over $140,000. He returned home to Omaha and created Buffett Associates, Ltd., an investment partnership.
Berkshire Hathaway
In 1962, Buffett discovered a textile manufacturing firm, Berkshire Hathaway, that was selling for under $8 per share. Through his partnership, Buffett eventually purchased 49% of the outstanding shares. Buffett maintained BH's core business of textile milling, but by 1967 was expanding into the insurance industry and other investments.
Berkshire first ventured into the insurance business with the purchase of National Indemnity Company. In the late 1970s, Berkshire acquired an equity stake in the Government Employees Insurance Company (GEICO), which forms the core of its insurance operations today (and is a major source of capital for BH's other investments). In 1985, the last textile operations (BH's historic core) were shut down.
Berkshire Hathaway , a massive holding company headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, USA, that oversees and manages a number of subsidiary companies. Berkshire Hathaway's core business is insurance, including property and casualty insurance, reinsurance and specialty nonstandard insurance. The Company averaged a phenomenal 25%+ annual return to its shareholders for the last 25 years while employing large amounts of capital and minimal debt.
Warren Buffet’s Value Investing principles
The business the company is in should be simple and understandable.
The firm should have a consistent operating history, manifested in operating earnings that are stable and predictable.
The firm should be in a business with favorable long term prospects.
The managers of the company should be candid. As evidenced by the way he treated his own stockholders, Buffett put a premium on managers he trusted. The managers of the company should be leaders and not followers.
The company should have a high return on equity. Buffett emphasizes return on equity (ROE), a key measure of a company's profitability. He prefers to invest in companies where he can confidently forecast future ROEs at least 10 years out. He is particularly fond of firms that don't require a lot of capital, as they tend to produce much higher returns on equity.
Consistently Strong Free Cash Flow. Buffett also seeks companies with significant free cash flow. Always mindful of the risks associated with investing, he ensures that his companies have plenty of money left over to invest in their growth after they have paid the bills.
Limited Debt. In the 1990s, Buffett bought insurers Geico and General Re because he liked how the companies limited and managed their debt.Buffett also likes the "float" that insurance companies offer. Policyholders pay premiums up front, but claims are paid out later -- providing insurance companies with a steady stream of low-cost cash to play with. Until policyholders collect on their policies or claims, the company can invest those billions in stocks/bonds or other areas, and who better to invest that money than Buffett himself?
Margin of Safety. If you understood a business perfectly and the future of the business, you would need very little in the way of a margin of safety. So, the more vulnerable the business is, assuming you still want to invest in it, the larger margin of safety you'd need.
Dear sir,
Are these principles relevant in context of Indian stock markets? We have a market where sentiments outplay any other factor. will be delighted to know your views on this.
Rajesh mahindra is running fast,i was expecting some correction so that i can enter into it but seeing its northward march what will u say should i buy it now.Please tell rajesh.
rajesh ji
sirg naye saal ke liye kuch investment ideas bataiye.
aapka pankha
srk... i belive that buffett's principles are relevant in any market whether it is nse bse or nasdqq...
Hi Rajesh
What's your outlook for the new year? please tell your estimate on nifty since I want to buy nifty options. also pl. tell if MnM futures can be bought at current level.
rajesh sir happy new year to you.....
happy new year rajesh sir.
Hello rajesh,
A warm new year to you.
Hope this year also u
will keep guiding the
lesser known people.
dear sir..wih you tons of happinesss and prosperity this year.
You are one of the rare individuals to give right advice for free. I really appreaciate your efforts in maitaining this site. Wishing you and all your readers a Happy New Year!
Dear Guruji,
Thanks for all the guidance and Investment Ideas and IPO updates and lot of other useful articles that you you have provided for the benefit of investing community without asking for anything in return throughout the whole year. I sincerely hope that you would continue to guide this year and shall I put it this way that your advice does makes a difference to us in taking investing decisions. The help that you provide through your blog is unparalled. Thanks once again and wish you a happy and prosperous new year.
Amit Gupta
when is cairn ipo listing?..and what is the expected listing price
Dear Sir, When is tanla solutions listing and what is the listing price?
Rajesh i was just trying to search something about the indian stock market on the blogs,I came across score of them,but i guess yours is the best one.I analyzed your various recommendations and i found that you have predicted correct most of the times and that Reliance industrial,Rajesh Exports and mahindra and mahindra have been your best recos whereas Aksh optfibre has been the lonely laggard.Also your recent ideas about yes bank,karnataka bank have also been very good.It seems you give clues and advice only when you yourself are sure about it.
I will say you have also done a phenomenal work in predicting the IPO listing prizes.Rajesh i am a new investor and i will like to invest my savings into the stock market,do your recommendations like Skumars and mahindra hold at the current price,i expect a twenty percent profit over a period of three months,do you think that these stocks can give me that.And if they cannot i will rather wait for your suggestions because i see more often than not you are correct.
This blog is a gift for me on the year.
A very happy new year to you,
Hello rajesh,
A very happy new year to you,wish
that you remain along with us and
share your hard work with us.Sharing ones hard work with others
selflessly is one of the hardest work.
Best Wishes again sir,
Like Japan (EM at that time) in early eighties remained overvalued for most part of that decade, India too seems to be going same way.
Friends..I agree with ritwik's message above and would like to add that I have somehow become an addict to this blog. Rajesh sir, you are my favourite though I have never meet you.Your blog speaks of your adorable qualities and knowledge of
stock markets.
Hats off to your sir, and wish you a happy and prosperous year 2007.
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Warren buffett is a great value investor.
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